Thursday, October 14

Consumer Moxie: Asked & Answered (A²)

Greetings my Foxie Moxie's! I'm pleased to announce that CM is penning a consumer column for community newspaper The Mt.Vernon Inquirer. You can send your questions to Can't get to the actual paper? Click here for this month's edition--the column is on page 30!

Wednesday, October 6

Verizon Wireless to Payout $90 Milli to Customers

Apparently Verizon is issuing $90 million in refunds to 15 million customers who were being charged $1.99 for erroneous data charges. The FCC has yet to issue a fine for this debacle but I hope it is a hefty charge that will curb companies from price gauging practices. If corporations continue to operate with impunity they will continue to dupe consumers and categorize their tactics as a "cost of doing business" let's do better more here [NYT]
For the official Verizon press release click here